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From Wobble to Wow: Why Teeth Feel Loose During Braces Treatment

March 15, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Fitzgerald @ 5:49 pm
Patient smiling with their braces treatment

Sometimes when you’re wearing braces, you may experience some strange sensations. One of the most concerning is a feeling like your teeth feel loose. Don’t panic—this sensation is entirely normal and often a sign that your braces are doing their job! But how can that be? If you’re curious how orthodontic treatment can trigger a wobbly feeling in your teeth, continue reading.


Say Goodbye to Metal Fillings: Why an Upgrade Is in Order

February 9, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Fitzgerald @ 5:20 pm
Man smiling after replacing his metal fillings

Metal fillings were once a common solution for dental cavities because of their combination of malleability and strength. However, now they have fallen out of favor with patients and dentists alike. But what has caused this major shift in attitudes, and why should you replace any amalgam fillings you have?

Read on to learn the many reasons behind the fall of metal fillings and how new materials solve their issues. It may be time to see your dentist and get an upgrade!


Celebrate Children’s Dental Health Month

January 3, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Fitzgerald @ 8:53 pm

Young girl playing with large dental mold
February is National Children’s Dental Health Month, dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of good oral hygiene for children. Your little one’s first lines of defense against preventable dental issues are their toothbrush and floss. You can get your child excited to brush and floss with 3 oral hygiene products to celebrate the month.


Resolution Ready: 4 Ideas to Improve Your Dental Health

December 5, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Fitzgerald @ 5:00 pm
Toy teeth decorated for the holidays next to dental instruments for 2024

With a new year right around the corner, there’s no better time to set healthy goals for self-improvement in the coming months. Many people resolve to save money or spend an hour at the gym every day and forget that their teeth matter, too! Dental problems can impact your overall well-being, so why not improve your oral care? By setting yourself up for success, you can prevent developing cavities and gum disease this year. Continue reading for 4 resolutions that will make your smile happy!


Here’s How to Keep on Top of Your Invisalign Treatment During Cold and Flu Season

November 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Fitzgerald @ 11:18 pm
Lady doesn't feel well

Invisalign can be an incredible way to straighten out your smile without worrying about dietary restrictions or wearing irremovable and conspicuous metal parts. While this makes it a great option for many orthodontic patients, this treatment still requires significant effort on the part of the patient in order to proceed properly. Here’s how to keep your Invisalign treatment on schedule if you’re feeling under the weather.


Focus on Your Smile: Exploring the Advantages of Intraoral Cameras

October 13, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Fitzgerald @ 4:05 pm
A dentist using an intraoral camera

In the rapidly advancing world of dentistry, technology continues to improve patient care and treatment. One popular tool making waves in dental practices is the intraoral camera. This small device may not look like much, but it’s a fantastic tool that can help patients understand their oral health.

If you’ve ever wondered why more dentists are incorporating this small yet powerful device into their arsenal, continue reading. Here’s a closer look at the intraoral camera and its many uses!


How Do Dental Crowns & Fillings Differ?

August 31, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Fitzgerald @ 10:21 am
A dentist assessing a woman for dental crowns or fillings

At this point, maybe your dentist says you need restorative work. Perhaps one (or more) of your teeth is worn down and needs tuning up. Even if you’ve narrowed your choices to dental crowns or dental fillings, though, you likely don’t know which to choose. These two services can seem similar to a non-expert. Well, it just so happens that your local Tucson dentist can help out. Read on to learn how dental crowns and fillings differ from one another.


5 Back-to-School Tips for Helping Your Teen with Invisalign

July 20, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Fitzgerald @ 2:13 pm
Teenage boy looking at his Invisalign aligners

If your teenager started Invisalign treatment during the summer, then you’ve probably been keeping an eye on them to make sure it goes smoothly. However, once school starts again, they’ll be out of your sight for a good portion of the day. As such, it’s best to take certain steps to make sure the treatment is staying on track even when you’re not there. Here are 5 back-to-school tips that can make life easier for teenagers with Invisalign.


How Your Dentist Can Give You a Beach-Ready Smile

June 9, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Fitzgerald @ 11:50 pm
young woman smiling on the beach

Summer is swimsuit season, so you’re probably doing what you can to get a beach-ready body. But if you really want to dazzle people, you also need a beach-ready smile!

Cosmetic dentistry can erase all kinds of aesthetic issues you might have with your pearly whites, giving you teeth that you’ll be proud to show off this summer. Here are a few treatments you could use to get a smile that’ll impress people.


Why Summer is Great for Dental Implants

May 10, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — Dr. Fitzgerald @ 7:53 am
someone showing off a dental implant

For a lot of people, summer is a time when your run outside, fire up the grill, and enjoy the warm weather. But here in Tucson, summer is really all about trying to stay out of the heat as much as possible.

If you want to spend some time in the A/C, you may use this as an opportunity to get some dental work that you’ve been putting off. If you’re missing teeth, for example, you might want to try getting dental implants. Here’s why summer is the perfect time to spring for this surgery.

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