When it comes to tested and reliable orthodontic solutions, metal braces fit the bill. For generations, these wires and brackets have filled out mouths and effectively corrected many smiles. That said, they’re also notorious for sometimes being a hassle, especially when it comes to keeping them clean! But fortunately, there are things you can do and items you can buy to ensure that your braces don’t fail to deliver your desired results. Keep reading to learn more about seven items you should consider carrying with you to keep your treatment right on track.
1. Water
Water is the absolute best beverage for your body—and your oral health! That said, drinking or rinsing your mouth with water after eating can help to get rid of lingering food particles and debris that become trapped in your braces. Water also reduces the overall acidity of your mouth!
2. Toothbrush & Toothpaste
These are two separate items, but when combined, they’re able to reach their full potential. Even without toothpaste, simply brushing with a toothbrush can help to remove food and plaque from your teeth. However, when you add toothpaste to the equation, you’re able to provide your teeth with increased protection as the present fluoride re-mineralizes your tooth enamel.
3. Dental Floss
Flossing your teeth is just as important as brushing; dental floss can access spaces in your mouth that your toothbrush can’t reach! You might also prefer to use a dental flosser, a special tool with a pre-cut length of floss that’s ideal for hard-to-reach spots and funny angles inside of your mouth.
4. Interproximal Brush
This isn’t your average toothbrush; it’s smaller and has different bristles. However, it’s incredibly useful and can effectively remove food particles that become stuck around your brackets or underneath your wires. This little tool will quickly become your best friend throughout your orthodontic treatment!
5. Mirror
Mirrors have many uses, and they’re one of the few ways you’re able to see inside of your mouth! That said, using one whenever you’re brushing, cleaning, or inspecting your mouth and braces can help to ensure that you don’t miss any spots.
6. Dental Wax
Sometimes your brackets and wires can rub against the soft tissue of your mouth and create sore spots. Dental wax can be applied to reduce the amount of irritation that this causes until your mouth tissue naturally toughens.
7. Over-the-Counter Pain Relievers
Pain relievers such as acetaminophen or ibuprofen are also handy for dealing with some of the pain and soreness associated with metal braces.
If you have braces, the very last thing you want to happen is for your treatment process to drag on. That said, consider acquiring these items and putting them to good use; the resulting smile is well worth it!